
¡Cómo me gusta este anuncio!

Girl on the platform smile
the boy thought that's the best
smile he's seen for a while

she must have been about... 26?
28? ... 28
and her skin looked really really great
she was a natural blonde
she wasn't a natural blonde
but that's what made me fond of her

she was off to.. Hull?... Leeds? Wigan?
off to Wigan. The home of pies
with the beatiful big gilling eyes
and she looked at the boy with the
fancy pants words
and she began to dance
she began to dance
she began to dance
she be...

Girl on the platform smile
the boy thought that was the best
smile he's seen for a while...

1 comentario:

lulauops dijo...

A mi també m'encanta...Vull un home com aquest als ferrocates!!!